Thursday, February 26, 2015

ASCH experiment

Steven Kharran
quick write

  I was going to school in the morning meeting up with all my classmate and advisory teacher to drop off my jacket in the locker . Then me and all my friends went to the lunchroom to go eat. One guy out of the group decided to go smoke, and a few others went with him to the staircase to do so. I told them just wait until school is done because I'm going to class right now !!! Then a few minuets later I saw a lot of security running towards the staircase because I had just left, I thank god I wasn't there . They end up getting arrested I  was in class they told me they should of listen ,well I told then next time you do the right thing ..

1) Conformity to me is when you are fitting in with others as a strong working community towards education and success.

2) Conformity is when you want to do as others to fit in or to follow, obedience is when you're told to do so as a demand not saying it  has to be done .The similarity is that it's upon your request.

3)  The ASCH experiment went by amazingly showed progress to know how people's thought may or can change your thoughts.

Honestly me personally I know i'm more of an individual because I stick to myself. I don't like communicating others. I could really care less about what a next person has.

conformity can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the situation. conformity in a good situation is a class following the teacher rules. Conformity in a bad situation is a gang following a leader somebody to rob them.

People use conformity a lot and don't even know they do examples for like when you working to supporting the family, paying bills , following the government rules street light if your driving a car.

1 comment:

  1. Your answers are thoughtful and show effort. Still some grammar and punctuation issues. Let's make some time to go over it together.
    Score: 4-4-3-4
